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The World's Biggest Bitcoin Mining Merger is Now Complete

December 5, 2023
x min read

Two of the largest companies in Bitcoin mining have officially become one.

What’s happening:

  • Toronto based Bitcoin mining company Hut8 (NASDAQ: HUT) has successfully completed their merger with US Bitcoin
  • The new merger between Hut8 and US Bitcoin marks the largest merger ever in the history of Bitcoin mining companies

Why it matters:

  • The newly combined entity is not only one of the largest publicly traded Bitcoin mining companies but also a significant operator in high performance computing

Going deeper:

  • Hut8 now has Bitcoin mining operations in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Texas, New York and New England
  • Hut8 will also expand their capacity for cloud computing for artificial intelligence workloads and machine learning models at their data centres in Canada

By the numbers:

  • The new combined entity has access to approximately 825 megawatts of total energy across all its data centres
  • Hut8 now has 253,683 total miners across all of their operations
  • The market capitalization for Hut8 now exceeds more than $2B USD

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