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The $101 Million Dollar Prize For Longevity

December 12, 2023
x min read

There’s now more than a hundred million reasons to develop a breakthrough therapeutic treatment for human longevity.

What’s happening:

  • XPRIZE has launched a new $101M USD prize to incentivize the development of a breakthrough therapeutics for longevity
  • The funding for the prize is led by co sponsor Hevolution Foundation and Chip Wilson’s charity Solve FSHD
  • Other notable backers of the prize include Christian Angermayer, Howard Marks and Sergey Young

How it works:

  • The XPRIZE competition is focused around successfully developing a therapeutic treatment that restores muscle, cognition and immune function in older adults
  • The criteria set out by XPRIZE is that participants can develop any type of drug, biologic or device, but it must demonstrate that within twelve months of beginning the treatment it reverses ageing by 20 years

By the numbers:

  • The XPRIZE competition will take place over the next 7 years
  • After 2 years, 40 different teams will be selected to receive $250K USD in funding to continue their research
  • After 4 years, 10 different teams will be awarded $1M USD each
  • The winning team could receive up to $81M USD if they can successfully prove a reversal in ageing of 20 years through their invention

The intrigue:

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